I am a computational biologist/bioinformatician, working as a Senior Bioinformatician in Lotfollahi lab in Sanger Institute. I was awarded PhD at Seoul National University under supervision of Prof. Sun Kim (BHI Lab). My scientific background is in bioinformatics and biochemistry, specifically interested in formulating desiderata of biology or medical science into computational problem.
“What I cannot create, I do not understand”
- Richard Feynman
Academic CV
About Me
Current research interest
Single-cell level response prediction with generative model
Multi-omics biomarker discovery via graph neural network
Building scalable and reproducible pipelines for RNA-seq data
Shell script
Korean – native
English – advanced
Spanish – intermediate
Work experience
2024.10 – Present
Senior Bioinformatician at Sanger Instititue
2024.1 – 2024.4
Research internship at LG AI research
2018.9 – 2024.8
Ph.D in Interdisciplinary Program in Bioinformatics at Seoul National University
2013.3 – 2018.8
BS in Biochemistry at Yonsei University
Selected as Fellow of the National Excellence Scholarship (Natural Sciences and Engineering)
2024, Scientific Reports (Submitted)“Identification of Severity Related Mutation Hotspots in SARS-CoV-2 Using a Density-Based Clustering Approach”
2024, BMC genomics (Under revision) “ALPACA: A Visual Data Mining System for Subcellular Location-specific Knowledge Mining from Multi-Omics Data in Cancer”
2023, Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Health Informatics “Deep learning-based survival prediction using DNA methylation-derived 3D genomic information”
Presented by Dabin Jeong at ACM-BCB 2023
2023, Journal of Korean Medical Science “Machine Learning-Based Proteomics Reveals Ferroptosis in COPD Patient-Derived Airway Epithelial Cells Upon Smoking Exposure”
2022, International Journal of Molecular Science “A Survey on Computational Methods for Investigation on ncRNA-Disease Association through the Mode of Action Perspective”
Lead 2021, Frontiers in Genetics “Construction of Condition-Specific Gene Regulatory Network using Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis”
Co-lead 2020, Recent Advances in Biological network Analysis, “Network Propagation for the Analysis of Multi-omics Data”
Presented by Dabin Jeong at Genome Informatics Workshop (GIW) 2019
2019, Frontiers in Plant Science “PropaNet: Time-Varying Condition-Specific Transcriptional Network Construction by Network Propagation”
2018, Nucleic Acids Research “TRRUST v2: an expanded reference database of human and mouse transcriptional regulatory interactions”
cited 1,424 times (24.7.1)