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Seminar: Optimal Transport Modeling of Population Dynamics
Attention + gumbel softmax → RL
Dynamic process in single-cell biology
Given perturbation (e.g. drug administration)
scRNA-seq can capture snapshot sampled from continuous-time trajectories of dynamic system.
Cellular responses are heterogeneous, thus nedd to model cell dyanmics in single-cell level.
Optimal transport theory
Q. Given two quantities of mass located at two different sites, what is the most efficient
way to transport one into the other?
A. Find a map T that pushes one mass onto the other in a way that minimizes the total cost of transport
Static OT (i.e. Monge map)
Given that two probability measure,
, find a map that pushes one mass onto the other in a way that minimizes the total cost of transport
Kantorovich Relaxation
Relaxation to non-convex and difficult-to-solve Monge problem
Probabilistic correspondences that allow for the transportation of mass from a single source point to various target points (mass splitting)
Task (in ML perspective)
Distribution matching for learning dynamics in perturbation effects
i.e. Morph a data distribution to another data distribution of interest
Traditional OT methods do not enable out-of-sample predictions on unseen cells and forecasting of cellular dynamics
control setting vs. treated setting for all cancer drugs
effects of 188 compounds in three cancer lines
patients with lupus
response of eight patients with lupus to interferon (IFN)-β
patients with glioblastoma
seven glioblastoma patients are measured in an untreated and Panobinostat-treated state
input : Cell state observation of unperturbed vs perturbed condition
output : Trained transport plan
input : Cell state observation of unperturbed condition
output : Cell state observation of perturbed condition
Detailed method
Optimal Transport problem as neural network
CellOT facilitates the multiplexed single-cell characterization of cancer drugs
CellOT generalizes to unseen patients and cell subpopulations.
Q. 왜 scRNA-seq count 데이터인데 negative value가 있지? Preprocessing을 어떻게 했길래?
Q. How cell state dist. is implemented?
Q. What is model trained in cellOT?
Q. Configuration setting